The Interconnect Cables
The RAMSES cables are the ultimate cables for the transmission of any analog signal in high end audio systems. Here the RAMSES IC is the interconnect cable in our product line.
The Technology
The RAMSES interconnect cable is based on a unique technical concept. The main objectives for this cable design were to realize an electromagnetic field between the conductors which is as homogeneous as possible, to use the thinnest possible conductors and to have the lowest possible loss in the dielectric between the conductors by using a very special natural material.
The RAMSES interconnect cable is based on a unique technical concept. The main objectives for this cable design were to realize an electromagnetic field between the conductors which is as homogeneous as possible, to use the thinnest possible conductors and to have the lowest possible loss in the dielectric between the conductors by using a very special natural material.
The main technical data are :
wave impedance about 3 Ω
inductance < 0,01 µH/m
capacitance 900 pF/m
The Sound
The principal sound characteristics of the RAMSES interconnect cable are their absolute homogeneity and neutrality, the entirely lack of any compensation effects as well as the exceptional speed and responsiveness of sound playback.
The principal sound characteristics of the RAMSES interconnect cable are their absolute homogeneity and neutrality, the entirely lack of any compensation effects as well as the exceptional speed and responsiveness of sound playback.
We are cocksure that you will find no other interconnect cable which sounds in a really neutral hifi system more homogeneous than the RAMSES interconnect cable.
The Application
The Application
The RAMSES IC interconnect cable is available in any desired length from 0.5 to 10.0 meter.
Due to its special technical conception the RAMSES IC is the ideal interconnect cable for long distances like to connect far away pre- and power-amps or to install active speakers.
The RAMSES interconnect cable is available in balanced or in unbalanced versions. On special demand the cables can be ordered with additional remote-control wires. We offer also a special interconnect cable with separate ground wire for tone arms.
Because of the very low wave impedance (which is very positive for analog signal transmission) the cable is unsuitable for digital signal transmission.
For the termination we use for the unbalanced versions RCA connectors (as standard the Eichmann Bullet-plug) and for the balanced versions 3-pin or 4-pin XLR plugs as well as a 5-pin DIN conector for the tone arm interconnect cable. Other special terminations are available on request if they meet our quality requirements.
Like any other interconnect cable RAMSES needs a certain run-in time, however significantly lower than for other cable designs. After 2-3 weeks the music reproduction will achieve its absolutely perfect level.
Like any other interconnect cable RAMSES needs a certain run-in time, however significantly lower than for other cable designs. After 2-3 weeks the music reproduction will achieve its absolutely perfect level.